11 Healthy Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss
Apple cider vinegar is a very versatile ingredient. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and a number of healthy probiotics that, in one way or the other, help promote healthy weight loss. Research shows that raw apple cider vinegar weight loss drinks help reduce obesity, improve blood sugar levels, manage insulin levels, and promote a healthy life in the following ways. Controls blood sugar The main function of the liver is to absorb sugars from the blood to maintain optimum levels of glucose. This, in turn, helps the body burn fat more efficiently and reduces the amount of stored fat, which is the main culprit for weight gain. Apple cider vinegar helps the body process more sugar, burn fat and, thus, controls overall body weight, a major portion of which is the result of fat accumulation. Decreases insulin levels High insulin levels in your body promote fat storage. This is countered by a component known as glucagon, which aids in burning the stored fat. There should be a good balance of insulin to glucogen levels to achieve efficient fat accumulation to fat burning ratio. Apple cider vinegar has inherent properties that help lower and controls insulin levels and encourage healthy levels of glucagon.