3 Techniques To Achieve Permanent Body Hair Removal
Body hair can be a nuisance for most of us, and all the hair removal techniques work only temporarily. Shaving or using other depilatory creams can help you in getting rid of the body hair only for a couple of days. Other options like threading and waxing might be effective for a longer period, but they can be extremely painful ways of hair removal and sometimes lead to ingrown hair as well. However, there are many methods that allow you to completely and permanently remove unwanted body hair, thus saving you from the daily hassle. Below are some of the easy techniques that can be used for permanent hair removal. Laser body hair removal The laser hair removals were first commercially available in the 1990s and have grown in popularity ever since. The most appealing part is that one can achieve complete and permanent hair removal within three seconds with the help of laser hair removal. This, however, might differ depending on the density and the type of hair. The melanin in the human hair plays a big part in the functionality of laser hair removal. A shiny beam of light is concentrated on the pore, and it is the melanin that absorbs this beam.