Food items to stop bloating
Obesity has always remained a health hazard, but it had not received the kind of attention, it does now. Perhaps, the advent of the electronic era brought with it certain ills like being glued to a video game or such indoor activities that left even the children gaining weight beyond the prescribed standard. It is also true that the overall eating habits underwent changes and what are dubbed junk foods have become a norm rather than an exception. The result is bloated midriff and then the madness to get rid of the excess fat, spending hard earned dollars on membership in a fitness center or some such thing. If you have still not reached that stage, it is better to know the foods to stop bloating and switch to consuming them regularly. Here are some suggestions. Rice: The reason rice is being recommended by experts is because it digests faster and does not leave any gas in the gut. Many food items you otherwise eat have this issue of indigestion. So try rice in some form to replace the starchy items you are eating like corn and potatoes. Make it more vegetable-based: Greens like celery, cucumber and parsley make for some wonderful foods to stop bloating.