Nasal Congestion – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods
Irrespective of the fact that our body has an inherent built-in system that protects it from the different malicious element in the environment, there are instances when the bacteria and viruses override it and plague the body. Our immune system does a commendable job of protecting us from the diseases prevalent in the environment, but the magnitude of the disease and our fitness plays a major role in deciding whether or not we will be affected by it. Common cold or influenza is a common ailment that almost every person might have contracted at some point in time. However, this common cold, when neglected, can result in nasal congestion. Though nasal congestion isn’t a life-threatening condition, it does have serious repercussions. If you wish to learn more about nasal congestion and ways to treat it, keep reading. Nasal congestion – Causes and symptoms Nasal congestion or stuffy nose as it is commonly known as is a result of a blocked nasal passage. This blockage is caused due to the swelling of the membrane lining which is, in turn, a result of inflammation of the blood vessels. Usually, the common cold is the cause of nasal congestion, but at times, there are other sources which give rise to nasal congestion.