Things to consider when choosing Medicare drug coverage plans
The drug coverage of Medicare plans is an important aspect of your financial life. You may think that you since you are not currently on any medication, that your present plan suits your needs. But the unthinkable can happen. If you require an expensive drug in the upcoming year, will you be covered? Will your existing drug coverage insurance offer the same benefits as previous years? It is wise to do some homework while choosing your drug coverage plan to mitigate possible future problems. Choosing The Best Drug Coverage Plans For Your Needs To ensure that you are selecting the best drug coverage for yourself, start by making a list of all the medications you take at present. There are huge differences from plan to plan prices for the same medications. This is because some plans demand co-pays while others may need you to pay a percentage of the price of the drug. Also, some plans eliminate deductibles while others include it. Make Sure You Opt For A Drug Coverage Plan Even if you are fortunate enough to not take prescribed drugs, you should consider enrolling in one of the core drug coverage plans. Otherwise, you are liable to pay a penalty due to not opting in when you were first eligible.