How to switch to no annual fee reward credit cards
Reward credit cards with no annual fee can be a great pick for all kinds of individuals. This type of card is especially ideal for applicants who are looking for limited but fantastic rewards without bearing the brunt of the yearly charges. You can easily switch from your current credit card issuer to this kind of card. But before doing so, there are certain factors you should be mindful of. Pick a type No annual fee reward credit cards come in various types, primarily for travel, cash back, balance transfer and gas bonuses. Selecting the right card will help you make the most of your points and offers. For instance, if you are a frequent flier then a travel reward credit card offering airplane miles will prove to be lucrative. Save your points While you are switching to a no annual fee credit card, understand how your points from the existing card will be affected. The earned points will remain untouched if you are just shifting to a no annual fee variant from the same company. On the other hand, if you are seeking the financial services of entirely different brands then chances are you might lose your points. However, the bonuses that you have received from a co-branded credit card will remain in your membership account.