Know about the Treatment Methods to Cure Severe Eosinophilic Asthma
When a patient is diagnosed with severe eosinophilic asthma, indicating the presence of more than normal levels of eosinophils, doctors begin treatment with a goal of controlling and improving the symptoms. This can be done by reducing the eosinophils that are present in the airways. As the levels of eosinophils reduce, a person will be able to regain control of their breathing. In most cases, patients respond favorably to therapies that work for asthma and therapies used in the treatment of eosinophilia. Some patients can develop resistance to these therapies. There are many treatment options available to control asthma attacks and improve the patient’s quality of life. Whereas a few options focus on controlling the asthma attacks, some focus on preventing inflammation in the lungs. New research has brought in tremendous possibilities with the introduction of lab-made antibodies that are injected into the patients. These medicines are grouped as biologic therapies. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are a group of medications that are used to reduce inflammation in the body and are very commonly used to treat asthma. They are used in inhalers by those affected by many types of asthma. However, they are not as effective for severe eosinophilic asthma and have to be supplemented with corticosteroid pills.