Four reasons to buy an iPod touch as well as an iPhone
Most people say that the iPod Touch is the iPhone without the phone. While that may be true, buying an iPod Touch can do wonders and simplify life. The Apple iPod Touch is geared for minimalist users who want to listen to music, play games, have fun, while being ultra-portable. Most importantly, the sleek lightweight design and portability make it look cool. You don’t need to trudge along a laptop when you’ve got the iPod Touch. Here are four reasons why you should buy the iPod Touch as well as an iPhone No Calling Features The apple iPod Touch doesn’t come with SIM features or calling facility. The fact that it doesn’t come with SIM or network service support means it doesn’t overheat or use most of the laptops resources. Perfect so you don’t pocket-dial anyone while you listen to music on the treadmill. If you ever wanted a gadget that’s handy and minimalist, the iPod Touch is the right call to make. Longer Battery Life Longer battery life means you can use it for as long as you want. Since it doesn’t come with calling features, its battery life is dedicated to running apps and media. You can use it for watching movies, playing games, and having fun with the device whenever you want.