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Causes and Natural Treatments for Chronic Diarrhea

Causes and Natural Treatments for Chronic Diarrhea

Diarrhea is an infectious disease that causes unrestrained liquid bowel movements, which may count up to 3 or even more times in a day. Diarrhea is a common disease, and it usually lasts only for a few days either on its own or through consuming over-the-counter medicines. Acute diarrhea occurs due to food intolerance, food allergy or bacterial infection. You may even develop a critical diarrheal condition known as Travelers’ Diarrhea. This occurs when you are frequently traveling and consume unhealthy food or water from various sources. If you are suffering from diarrhea, which does not get better and is persistent even after 4 weeks, it is a serious condition which is known as acute diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea is majorly anything that hinders your daily curriculum of activities. Chronic diarrhea may often lead to abdominal cramps, malnutrition, weight loss or even fever. While diarrhea may be caused due to several reasons, the main causes of chronic diarrhea have been listed below. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Irritable bowel syndrome is known to be the most common cause of chronic diarrhea and stays for at least 6 months. One interesting fact to notice is that the actual causes of IBS are not somewhat clear.
Here Are a Few Common Symptoms of Bronchitis or Pneumonia

Here Are a Few Common Symptoms of Bronchitis or Pneumonia

In this article, we will be looking at some of the most important bronchitis and pneumonia symptoms, so that you can be watchful and alert and visit the doctor at the right time. This is one of the best ways to you can protect yourself and others from a lot of damage. Overview of bronchitis and pneumonia Bronchitis and pneumonia are acute forms of cold or flu that we experience. Bronchitis is a condition in which your bronchial tubes (air passages) that carry air to the lungs are infected and get swollen. Bronchitis can be of two types. Acute bronchitis lasts for a few weeks and goes away on its own. Chronic bronchitis is more serious and mostly develops in smokers. It is a long-term condition and can’t be entirely cured. Its treatment includes medicines that open airways and helps clear away mucus. Pneumonia, on the other hand, is yet another lung infection. However, in this ailment, the air sacs in the lungs called alveoli are inflamed. The intensity of pneumonia varies according to the overall and general condition of the person. It can be deadly for people with a weaker immune system or babies or aged people. Bronchitis and pneumonia symptoms There can be acute chest congestion.
Neuropathy Foot Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More

Neuropathy Foot Pain – Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More

The nervous system is responsible for control and coordination of the body. It connects all the nerves in the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body such as face, feet, legs, hands, and face. Signals are carried by the nerves to the brain. Peripheral neuropathy disorder causes the dysfunction of the nerves. Damaged nerves don’t function properly and even transmit the pain signals to the body. Infection, injury, and genetic disorders cause the peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy disorder affects the three nerves an they are sensory, motor and autonomic nerves. The sensory nerves connect to the skin. Autonomic nerves connect to the internal organs, and the motor nerves are connected with the muscles. This problem impacts the normal functioning of these nerves. Symptoms of the Neuropathy Foot Pain: You will feel tingling sensation and pain in feet Numbness Thin Skin Constipation Decrease in the blood pressure Diarrhoea Excess Sweating on foot Sharp pain in foot Feeling of shock in the foot Heavy feeling in leg causing locking of legs Causes of the neuropathy foot pain Different factors cause the neuropathy disorder. If you have a family record of the disorder, you may likely have the problem. Apart from other causes of the foot pain are mentioned below.
Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by inflammation of the liver. In some cases, it can lead to serious liver damage in people with the condition. The disease mainly spreads through contamination of blood. Earlier the treatment of hepatitis C involved weekly injections that were given to patients and certain oral medications. However, many hepatitis patients could not take these medications due to their other health problems and due to side effects. Chronic HCV is curable using oral medications that are taken daily for at least two months. There are about half of the people suffering from HCV, and they don’t know they are infected. This happens when a person experiences no symptoms of the problem. Symptoms can take a decade to appear in many students. This is why the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention ask a person to get a one-time screening of blood test for those who can be at increased risk of infection. The largest group at the risk of the situation is born between 1945 and 1965. A population is five times more likely to get infected with the problem than people born in other years. Symptoms of hepatitis C There are many factors by which can determine if a person is suffering from hepatitis C.
Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Spasm

Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Spasm

In recent studies, it has come out that majority of the population in the United States has suffered from back pain at some point in their life. This back spasm is an involuntary contraction of the muscles in the lower back. This back pain condition ranges from mild discomfort to severe pain which makes it difficult for a person to move around. Spasm, a medical condition can be treated without any kind of surgery. If the pain is related to a nerve problem in the spine, then some kind of medical intervention is required. Causes of lower back spasm The back spasm can occur due to various reasons including injuries to the muscle, ligaments, and tendons or can be related to any of the serious medical conditions. Back spasm also commonly occurs due to the heavy lifting of any kind. If any activity is undertaken which puts excessive strain on muscles in the lower back can cause lower back spasm. Football and golf players also suffer from back spasm as they have to go through intense training for their matches. This medical condition can also occur if a person has arthritis or is suffering from a ruptured disk in the spine. Diagnosis of Back Spasm Doctors usually recommend an x-ray to look for any signs of bone fracture or arthritis.
A Few Common Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments of Pink Eyes

A Few Common Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments of Pink Eyes

Pink eyes, also known as conjunctivitis, is caused when there is swelling and redness of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva is the mucous membrane which surrounds the eyelid and the surface of the eye. Causes of pink eyes Conjunctivitis is a common eye infection. The infection normally subsides in about 7 to 10 days. To ease the discomfort, you can use eye drops for pink eyes that are available over the counter. Pink eyes can be caused due to a bacterial or viral infection. Chemicals, smoke, and fumes can also cause conjunctivitis. Other causes include dry eyes (caused due to lack of tears because of exposure to wind/sun) and any other allergies can trigger pink eyes. Types Based on what causes the pink eye, the condition is classified as viral pink eye and bacterial pink eye. Viral pink eye A viral pink eye is caused by the adenovirus. The herpes virus can also be the reason for viral pink eye. The associated symptoms typically last for 3 to 5 days. In some cases, the infection can become chronic and last for up to 3 weeks. The symptoms include the following: Excessive release of tears The white part of the eye becomes red Swollen eyelids Itching and burning sensation Clear or sticky discharge from the eyes Swelling and tenderness in the region near the front portion of the ears You don’t require any medication to treat viral pink eye.
Early Detection of Lupus Symptoms Can Help in Diagnosis

Early Detection of Lupus Symptoms Can Help in Diagnosis

Experiencing sudden swelling or inflammation in your joints? Is the painfulness is accompanied by fatigue or gastrointestinal problems? Well, then it can be a symptom of lupus. An autoimmune disease, lupus can show different signs and symptoms in patients. Other than a few exceptional cases, the symptoms are usually mild and often get neglected. Detecting lupus is quite easy as the symptoms of lupus are extremely bothering in the initial stages and fade with time. It recurs periodically. Anyone in their late teens can be affected by this condition. The risk of getting lupus continues even in the days of adulthood. For an easy diagnosis of lupus, you can keep an eye on the following few symptoms associated with it. Low-grade fever This is one of the earliest symptoms of lupus and often gets neglected as a sign of a common cold. However, unlike the symptoms of common cold, fever associated with lupus always remains low-grade and has no visible cause associated with it. In most of the cases, fever recurs at intervals, and the maximum temperature for lupus fever is 38.3 degree Celsius or 101 Fahrenheit. Therefore, if you get a recurrent fever, you need to consult a doctor.
Chronic Constipation – Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Measures

Chronic Constipation – Causes, Symptoms, and Preventive Measures

The human body comprises 75% of water. On an average, people drink 7–8 glasses of water per day and most of the water is lost from our body in the form of stools. Drinking sufficient water helps to digest our food and prevents the hardening of the stool. Our body needs a lot of water for the normal functioning of the digestive system. Constipation occurs if people do not drink an adequate amount of water or if their fluid intake is less. Moreover, constipation occurs due to unnecessary retaining of stool in our body for a longer time. If it’s difficult, uneasy, painful, or infrequent to pass the stool it can lead to chronic constipation. Constipation is very common nowadays due to changes in one’s lifestyle, and it’s not considered as a disease but as one of the symptoms of a disease. Constipation is considered as one of the gastrointestinal disorders and it represents one of the major public health concerns. Constipation is more prevalent among women than men and it progresses with age. Constipation is related to colon and rectal diseases and it can affect other organs if medical supervision is not taken. Constipation affects the quality of our life, well being leading to stress and anxiety thereby weakening the immune system.
Detecting Symptoms Of Gallbladder Problems Is Important

Detecting Symptoms Of Gallbladder Problems Is Important

The gallbladder or the little sac in your body that gathers bile produced by the liver and releases it to the small intestine for breaking food particles seldom gets any attention. Although it is an important organ, it draws interest only when it starts malfunctioning. Generally, the gallbladder does not cause any disturbance to your health. It creates trouble only when the path to pass the bile to the intestine is somehow blocked. Gallbladder problems can vary from one person to other. While some get it as a chronic condition, there are others who need immediate medical attention; thus, the symptoms vary as well. Some of the common symptoms for detecting gallbladder problems are mentioned below: Vomiting and nausea Vomiting and nausea are among the most common symptoms of gallbladder problems. Whether it is a stone in the gallbladder or it is an inflammation of the organ, vomiting and nausea are experienced by all. Yet, people with chronic gallbladder problem may also get gas, acid reflux, or other digestive problems, apart from nausea and vomiting. Feeling full As the disorder of your gallbladder affects the digestive system, you may lose the urge to eat. A feeling of fullness in the abdominal area is often experienced by many patients diagnosed with this condition.
A Brief Discussion of Effective Hemorrhoid Cures

A Brief Discussion of Effective Hemorrhoid Cures

Experiencing pain or a burning sensation after every bowel movement? Well, this can be an indication of hemorrhoid or piles. Not only pain but also you may experience bleeding during bowel movements. Almost half of the entire population in the country are suffering from hemorrhoids and are looking for a cure to tackle this condition. Though piles can be cured within a couple of weeks or so, in most of the cases, it is a chronic problem that can occur at any time. If you are also suffering from piles related issues, you can either get the problem diagnosed by a doctor or you can try a few natural cures yourself. Hemorrhoid diagnosis and cure Consult a doctor once you experience any of the hemorrhoid symptoms and get yourself properly diagnosed. When it comes to medical diagnosis, you may like to know that the measures vary depending on the type of piles. While the piles formed externally are easily visible with the naked eye or felt during digital examination, piles that are formed internally are softer and require to be examined by sigmoidoscope, proctoscope or anoscope. Medical cure for hemorrhoids Like the diagnosis, treatment to varies depending on the type of piles as well as severity of the condition.
How Diabetes Causes Foot Problems

How Diabetes Causes Foot Problems

Diabetes is a medical condition associated with the lack of insulin which is a hormone released by the pancreas. Insulin helps convert glucose from food into energy. Due to the lack of insulin, glucose stays in the blood; high glucose levels can cause health problems. A diabetic person can develop various health issues such as heart diseases, eye problems, and nerves damage. A common health problem that is faced by diabetic people is diabetic foot pain. Your blood vessels get damaged due to the lack of insulin. Diabetes also results in damage to peripheral nerves that can cause diabetic foot pain. It’s not only the nerve damage but also decrease in blood flow that causes pain. It delays the healing process of an infection, which might become affected by gangrene; in the case of gangrene. the leg or the affected part may need to be amputated. Here, we’ll look at diabetic foot pain in detail. Diabetes can cause foot pain in two major ways. Firstly, it reduces blood flow, thereby leading to the lack of flow of oxygen and nutrients to the leg. Due to this, you become prone to cuts and damages on the feet. Secondly, there is a diabetic nerve called peripheral neuropathy that causes numbness in your feet and increases the chances of soreness and infections.