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How to check your health using a stool color chart

How to check your health using a stool color chart

You might be surprised by this, but your stool says a lot about your health, diet, and what illness you might have. The color, texture, quantity and the consistency of your stool changes as per your dietary intake, and when you suffer from any health issues. Your stool acts as an indicator which helps you know about your health and the preventive measures you can take to escape from falling a victim of any diseases. For this, it is important that you know how to read and analyze the stool color chart. Normal stool color The color of the stool depends on your diet and the amount of bile in it. The normal stool color is somewhere between light and dark brown. The most common color of stool is medium brown, and it indicates that you are healthy. Causes of change in stool color The color of the stool might change when you suffer from diarrhea, as at that time your food passes too quickly through the intestine, which does not give the chemicals in your gut enough time to break down the bile in your stool. Also, another cause can be an excessive intake of green leafy vegetables due to which your stool appears green.