Hepatitis C – Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Hepatitis C is not an uncommon condition as around 3.5 million people in the country are affected by the disease. It is a type of viral infection of the liver. Mostly, the symptoms of hepatitis C infection remain hidden and hence it is difficult to diagnose whether you have the disease or not. In some cases, it can lead to chronic hepatitis, which may lead to serious complications. Read on to know more about the hepatitis C infection, its causes, symptoms and treatment options. What is hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a type of viral infection that causes inflammation of the liver, the largest internal organ in the body. The hepatitis C virus, abbreviated as HCV, is spread through contaminated blood. It is caused by certain types of viruses. Sometimes a bacterial infection can also lead to this condition. It is sometimes referred to as the silent epidemic as the infected person will not have any visible symptoms. There are acute and chronic stages of the disease. Sometimes, there will be sudden onset of the symptoms which will settle down with proper treatment in acute conditions. If it is chronic, the patient will not show any symptoms for a long time, but the disease will get severe due to its prolonged non-recognition.