How can you get your hand on Sunday paper coupons
Generally, every Sunday paper carries an insert known as free-standing inserts containing coupons. There are different types of such Sunday paper coupons and three of the most common among them are from RetailMeNot Everyday (RMN), Procter & Gamble (P&G), and Smart Source (SS). If you use these coupons strategically, you can essentially save a lot of money on various products. Here are a few ways in which you can source for more Sunday paper coupons: Keep an eye out on newspapers in your locality, e.g.: YES (Your essential Shopper). Many cities have their own local papers published along with coupon inserts and most of these newspapers even have a free doorstep delivery option. All you have to do is make sure you know what your local papers are and which ones carry the best coupon inserts. Most times, these local papers are distributed around shops and other public hangouts usually on Sunday, so next time that you go out make sure you grab a free copy and get your set of productive Sunday newspaper coupons. You can always get a copy from your local recycling center. You can actually get more than a copy of Sunday paper coupons by asking the recycling store to give you a few of the copies every week.