Cat guide 101
Pets are just like kids, unpredictable. If you are a person who has a lot of pets at home, these are a few things you’d relate to. But if you’re new to this, well here are a few cat questions answered for you, to make taking caring of them simpler. Cats are a bit pricey, and if you want your cat to love you, you need to be just as pricey. Look away, avoid all forms of eye contact. It’s a general thumb rule, ego. So, if you look away and the cat wants your attention, you know it will by itself coming running towards you. They don’t take rudeness very well, so make sure you pet them. The moods of a cat are usually set by it’s tail. You can know the cat is happy if the tail is upright and slightly moving. A low tail would show you signs that attention that is needed. A swishing tail would be more on the lines of I’m on the prowl’ so let me be. Don’t be taken by surprise if your cat’s behavior changes in no time. You are to be certain that you missed a tail movement. Pain is normal, and chronic pain in cats is very common.