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Here are the causes behind nose bleeding

Here are the causes behind nose bleeding

The nose is an organ that is sited on the most prominent part of the face and contains an abundance of blood vessels. The bleeding of the nose is not uncommon and many people undergo this issue. However, in most cases, it is not a condition that is connected to a serious medical problem. The main reason that triggers this problem is that the nose blood vessels are extremely fragile and tend to bleed very easily. Nosebleeds can occur among any age group but are especially common children between the age of 3 to 10 years. Most times, nosebleeds can be stopped or managed at home but may need medical supervision if the bleeding continues for a long while. Nosebleeds can be of two types: anterior nosebleeds and posterior nosebleeds and here are the most common causes of nose bleeding. Winter season – Nose bleeding is most common during the winter or cold climate. The winter air can be drying and poses as an irritant to the nose. This leads the blood vessels to break. The older generation is more likely to experience nose bleeding during the winter season. Accident – Have you ever seen a movie scene where an individual profusely bleeds from the nose after being punched in the face?