An Inspiring Story Of Alicia Keys Fighting For HIV And AIDS
Alicia Keys is a singer, record producer, songwriter, actress, and pianist. One occupation she holds over all of her other is as the co-founder of Keep A Child (KCA). When It All Began From the beginning of her career, Alicia Keys had the first-hand experience after she met children dying of AIDS in Africa. From then on she never missed a chance to get all the help she could to children affected by AIDS. She was inspired by all the work Leigh Blake had done for the kids. Alicia Keys has HIV prevention and care organization, which she is the co-founder. The KCA organization was started in 2003. Where The Problem Lies Africa especially the sub-Saharan regions where 70% of the population is recorded with AIDS. Due to the lack of healthcare facilities, some mothers give birth to children that again contract the disease from them. Alicia Keys has HIV awareness when she visits these hospitals first hand and witnesses that there is medical help but the families lack the capital to afford them. The number 1 cause of death for over a million children mostly adolescents is HIV. Why She Joined The Fight Africa has consistently been at the top when it comes to the number of AIDS cases.