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Symptoms of inguinal and hiatal hernia

Symptoms of inguinal and hiatal hernia

Inguinal hernia When bulging occurs in a particular portion of bowel through the inguinal canal, it is called inguinal hernia. The tissue from the inner lining of the abdomen and the fatty tissues from the interiors of abdomen combine to create the bulge. The tissues may also come from the intestines. When you are thinking of the symptoms that hernia-affected patients, especially those suffering from inguinal hernia show, the ones listed below cannot be missed. – A bulge that is seen on one of the two sides of the pubic bone. The bulge becomes more prominent when a person is in upright posture. It becomes prominent even when you cough or sneeze or strain. – The portion where the bulge is seen often feels painful. Some people report a burning sensation. – There is a feeling of discomfort near the groin. The discomfort slowly turns into pain. This discomfort or pain mainly occurs when you cough or bend over or even try to lift something up. – Your groin may feel heavy or weak or you may sense a dragging feeling in the region of your groin. – The testicles may swell up and produce a sense of pain. This happens when the protruding intestine slowly comes down to the scrotum.