How To Choose The Right Program In A Respiratory Therapy School
One of the most sought-after professions today in the healthcare and medical sector in the USA is that of a respiratory therapist. Not many people are completely aware of the exact nature of responsibilities of a respiratory therapist. The job of a respiratory therapist involves treating and assessing the patient who has various degrees of cardiopulmonary disorders. They can treat patients of all age and are required to possess the knowledge about the cardiopulmonary system and various other procedures. There are various respiratory therapy schools all over the USA which impart degrees to the successful candidates. The minimum qualification to become a respiratory therapist is an associate’s degree. Most of the schools in the USA also provide bachelors and master’s degree also. This gives an opportunity for students to be more experienced and has more knowledge about the profession. In addition to the degrees, each and every potential respiratory therapist needs to have a valid license to practice. The only state in which no license is required in Alaska. The program for becoming a respiratory therapist has to be accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). The license also has to be maintained according to the requirements of the state.