Easy Home Remedies To Deal With Trigger Finger
Easy home remedies to deal with trigger finger Trigger finger is a condition where one’s finger gets stuck while bent in a particular position. Often referred to as trigger thumb as well, here the finger may straighten or bend with a snap, similar to that of a trigger being pulled and then released. Trigger finger or stenosing tenosynovitis occurs when the space within a sheath surrounding the tendon of a finger becomes narrower as a result of inflammation. In severe cases, the finger may lock in a completely bent position. Trigger finger – Treatments There are different trigger finger treatments available; some of these include home remedies and exercise options. These help one deal with the problem effectively. Rest the fingers Resting the fingers is considered to be one of the most effective home remedies when it comes to dealing with trigger finger at home. One needs to ensure that the affected fingers are not stressed due to work for at least three to four weeks, as it is only with proper rest that the healing of the swollen or inflamed tendon is possible. During or post recovery, one is not advised to pressurize the affected finger. Care and caution need to be exercised in this regard.