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Information About The Causes And Treatment For Hemorrhoid

Information About The Causes And Treatment For Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid is a condition where the vein near the rectum swells. Hemorrhoids are so common in adults that every three out of four adults suffer from it from time to time. In some cases, a blood clot forms in these hemorrhoids and can be extremely painful. Nowadays many effective ways of treating hemorrhoids are available. Bleeding during bowel movement is a symptom of hemorrhoid. Although the exact cause is still doubtful, some of the hemorrhoids causes and symptoms are as follows: Strain in bowel : Straining during bowel movement creates a lot of pressure in the veins near the anus and is one of the reasons for the formation of hemorrhoids. Prolonged sitting on the toilet: Prolonged sitting on toilet increases the pressure within the hemorrhoid blood vessels and results in swollen blood vessels. Chronic diarrhea or constipation : The chronic condition of diarrhea or constipation both put extensive pressure on the blood vessels near the rectum which can result in their swelling. Obesity : Obesity increases the overall strain in the blood vessels leading to hemorrhoids. Pregnancy : During pregnancy, the uterus swells and the veins are pressed to the colon. Adding to it during pregnancy the muscles supporting the rectum and anus loses strength due to hormonal changes.
All You Need To Know About Digestive Tract Issues

All You Need To Know About Digestive Tract Issues

Around 25 million Americans are affected by digestive tract issues which turn out to be chronic at times. This is a serious concern which many ignore. Pain in the abdomen is a serious problem that affects the digestive conditions and there is a high risk of either being anorexic or obese. This is not an issue you need to be silent about. The symptoms which are most occurring digestive conditions are following. Acid reflux is a condition that prevails when stomach acid throws into your esophagus. And you get a burning sensation around the middle part of your chest. This happens after your intake of food evening or early night. These symptoms if prevalent on a daily basis then the disease is chronic and you need to check with your doctor. The other symptoms for gastroesophageal reflux disease are bloating, upper or lower abdominal pain and trouble in swallowing. The gallstones are the other symptoms of the defective abdomen. They form hard deposits over gall bladder that secrete bile which is used for digestion. The rate of patients having gallstones have increased in the past decade for around 43% and every year one-fourth of the patients need surgery. The reason for the formation of is too much cholesterol in the bile or if the gallbladder is not secreted correctly.
Home Remedy Options To Treat Hemorrhoid

Home Remedy Options To Treat Hemorrhoid

Hemorrhoid has been considered as a common problem among adults and cause a considerable amount of pain and discomfort when it is ignored. While it goes away on its own, there are still some useful tips to keep get it healed or completely avoid it as well. Home remedies: While there is a surplus of over the counter medication available to treat this condition, individuals with hemorrhoids can also choose to use a few home remedies to ease the situation and let it cure on its own. Taking a warm bath in a bathtub with water covering the legs and using apple cider vinegar or Epsom salts in the water can be useful in reducing the irritation caused from the hemorrhoids. Some people even choose to apply the apple cider vinegar directly onto the hemorrhoid spot, which will sting badly, will cure hemorrhoid even more quickly. Witch hazel is an astringent that had natural anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that help the hemorrhoid tissues to shrink easily. While the direct application of witch hazel will react quickly, it can also cause swelling or irritation. Coconut oil and aloe vera are two other ingredients that ease the burning and itching sensation and aid in the overall healing process.
Food Triggers That Worsen Crohns Disease Flare-ups

Food Triggers That Worsen Crohns Disease Flare-ups

Individuals diagnosed with Crohn’s disease have different types of symptom flare-ups triggered by various factors. As far as food goes, while some may react badly to a flare-up, some others may do well to consume the same ingredient. It is very important to keep track of one’s body especially when you are prone to regular flare-ups due to a bad diet. Some of the proven foods that cause a worsening of the flare-up symptoms are: Nuts: While nuts are usually considered part of a healthy diet, people with Crohn’s should avoid them because nuts are not easy to digest when not masticated properly. This would in return cause a strain on the gut to digest easily and end up irritating the gut wall. Raw foods: Staying away from raw foods would be a wise decision because when the food is cooked it is naturally softer and easier to digest. Eating raw food would mean that a lot of chewing is needed to bring it to a smooth consistency that would be favorable for easy digestion by the gut. Especially fruits and vegetables that edible peels like apple or cucumber should be thoroughly skinned before consumption, failing which the skin that is rough and hard may be harder for the gut to strain and digest.