Information About The Causes And Treatment For Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoid is a condition where the vein near the rectum swells. Hemorrhoids are so common in adults that every three out of four adults suffer from it from time to time. In some cases, a blood clot forms in these hemorrhoids and can be extremely painful. Nowadays many effective ways of treating hemorrhoids are available. Bleeding during bowel movement is a symptom of hemorrhoid. Although the exact cause is still doubtful, some of the hemorrhoids causes and symptoms are as follows: Strain in bowel : Straining during bowel movement creates a lot of pressure in the veins near the anus and is one of the reasons for the formation of hemorrhoids. Prolonged sitting on the toilet: Prolonged sitting on toilet increases the pressure within the hemorrhoid blood vessels and results in swollen blood vessels. Chronic diarrhea or constipation : The chronic condition of diarrhea or constipation both put extensive pressure on the blood vessels near the rectum which can result in their swelling. Obesity : Obesity increases the overall strain in the blood vessels leading to hemorrhoids. Pregnancy : During pregnancy, the uterus swells and the veins are pressed to the colon. Adding to it during pregnancy the muscles supporting the rectum and anus loses strength due to hormonal changes.