Information On The Government’s Stand on Depression Self Test
Depression facts in the US are heartbreaking with approximately 15 million people affected and still counting. Research studies also show that patients with depression also show anxiety disorders which are almost one-half of the count. The major depressive disorder has also become very common in the US with around 6.7% of adults have experienced the pangs of this situation at least once in their lifetime. While treatment options are widely available yet only 35 to 41.1% of patients in the US seek help with not much improvement in the situation. This is where Depression Self-test comes into the picture to help those who are not sure of their mental health and stability. The US Preventive Services Task Force by the federal government offers Patients Health Questionnaire wherein one can take the depression self-test via print or electronic to unveil any signs of depression. Further to the results, the physician gets involved in the required evaluation and subsequent diagnosis. Other than this, the task force also offers associated tests such as Geriatric depression, hospital anxiety and depression scales test and many others. The National Institute of Mental Health offers an overall understanding of depression through their in-house booklet and the importance of depression self-test.