Top 10 credit cards of 2019
The modern world functions on credit cards; from groceries to a new house, everything can be bought with credit. Things are likely to go a lot more smoothly when you pick a credit card that suits your needs. There are different types of credit cards — some offer cash back, while others offer miles as rewards. When you are looking for the right credit card, the first thing to consider is your requirement. Are you interested in cash backs or are you a frequent flier? Are you more inclined towards paying off your debt or improving your credit score? These questions will help you identify your prime motive for getting a credit card. There is no dearth of credit cards available, and several banks and financial institutions vie for new customers. It is essential to make an informed decision which will help you improve your credit score, receive more rewards, and streamline your financial life. So, take a look at the 10 best credit cards of the year, and make a wise choice. Discover it® Cash Back: The best part about owning the Discover it® Cash Back credit card is its Cashback Match™ feature through which it matches all the cash back that you have earned at the end of the first year and directly applies this amount to your account.