Know this about 0% interest on balance transfer
Credit cards charge high interest that cut into the savings and household finances and cleans out your balance, making it difficult even to make monthly payments. To handle this problem or you can say to reduce it, some people turn to 0 interest on balance transfer credit cards. They move the high-interest balance to a single card that charges low or no interest at all for a certain period often 12 to 18 months. Credit card issuers have been using 0 interest on balance transfer as a marketing strategy for years now. Many have been using this as a method of transferring the balance until the debt is paid off. A study in 2000 concluded that 17% of the credit card balance is transferred annually with this method. All the cards are not the same; some offer this for a longer period than others. It is a rare case that you will find a card that does not charge 0 interest balance transfer fee. Credit card companies make 0 interest on balance transfer offers because they want to steal business from their competitors. So, it makes sense that the banks will not let you transfer balances between two credit cards offered by the same bank. If you have an airline credit card or a store credit card, just make sure you know which bank issues the card before you apply for a balance transfer.