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5 Major Factors That Cause Anxiety Disorder

5 Major Factors That Cause Anxiety Disorder

It is common for most of us to get anxious, nervous, or restless about an event or activity. However, if this happens on a regular basis, it could be possible that one is suffering from an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder involves more than just a few worries or fears about something. The nervousness and anxiety will be frequent and last longer. In an anxiety disorder, the anxiousness does not go away in a few minutes, it stays as well as keeps coming back. Some of the examples of an anxiety disorder include agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, separation anxiety disorder, substance induced anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder. Most of the names are self-explanatory of the causing factor. Following are some of the most common causes for developing an anxiety or panic disorder. Heart-related problems If you have seen someone have a panic attack or have had one yourself, you will be aware that the hands get clammy, you start breaking out cold sweats, and your heart starts to pound loudly. However, in some cases, a heart problem can also be the reasons for your anxiety or panic attacks. A person with a general anxiety disorder and a cardiovascular problem has higher chances of having an anxiety attack.
Treatment Options And Lifestyle Changes For Anxiety And Panic Recovery

Treatment Options And Lifestyle Changes For Anxiety And Panic Recovery

An anxiety disorder can happen to any individual, irrespective of their age. However, it is the intensity of the disorder that determines the type of treatment that might be required by the patient. There are two main types of treatment aligned with an anxiety or panic situation; psychotherapy and medications. Counseling is the primary treatment preferred by most doctors. If a patient is in the initial stage of an anxiety disorder, the doctor may try a few different treatment approaches. If there is no development in the patient with counseling, only then the doctor will move to medications or psychotherapy. Following are a few treatment options that are ideal for a patient suffering from anxiety. Psychotherapy Commonly known as talk therapy or counseling sessions, this is the foremost type of treatment. A counseling session, on most occasions, will include the patient trying to talk about activities that make them anxious. The counselor will try to build a comfortable environment for the patient to enable them to talk about their feelings without the fear of judgments. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the common psychotherapy techniques used for anxiety and panic. The CBT is a short-term treatment process which encourages the patient to learn the specific skills that can help them beat the symptoms caused by anxiety.